Bill Moher, a dynamic entrepreneur and tech visionary, running as the Republican candidate in Virginia’s Fourth District. With a fresh perspective and a passion for innovation, Bill, a native of Arlington, Virginia, is determined to break away from the norm across the Potomac.

Recognizing the challenges facing our country, Bill advocates for tackling them the American way: with liberty, innovation, and good, old-fashioned know-how. Bill Moher is poised to lead the charge.

Bill’s experience in mulitple successful technology startups as well as being an investor and advisor at Intensity Analytics installed a strong sense of responsiblity and dedication to advocating for American Priorities.

As an investor and advisor, Bill actively supports groundbreaking ventures addressing pressing challenges. From backing biotech company American Gene Technologies International Inc. to championing AI trailblazer DataTorch, his involvement reflects a commitment to advancing innovative solutions, including the fight against cancer and other diseases.

Motivated by patriotism, Bill Moher is dedicated to prioritizing Americans and unlocking their potential. He champions limited government, individual liberties, and free-market principles, with a focus on defending Second Amendment rights, promoting energy independence, and dismantling the Big Government-Big Tech oligarchy.

Join Bill Moher to help guide Virginia’s 4th District toward prosperity and progress. Through a focus on innovation, together, we can elevate America to greater heights and unlock the boundless potential of our nation and its people.